Here you can find many event details for the STRATUS 2023 Conference, including the event synopsis, schedule, program committee, keynote speakers, and field trips.
About the Conference
The STRATUS 2023 conference brings together academics, industry representatives, and domain specialists to share perspectives on this rapidly evolving field of a wide range of topics. Since its inception in 2016, STRATUS went from a one-day to a two-day and then to a three-day annual workshop and is now a three-day conference and includes previously recorded field trips. Based on the received request from attendees, we have expanded the workshops to reach entities beyond the original scope of a Western New York audience.
This conference is in-person attendance.
What sets the non-profit STRATUS 2023 Conference apart from other specialized or larger UAS meetings are the important interdisciplinary topics ranging from the latest challenges in UAV platform design and technology to sensor design, information gathering and processing, and modeling to produce data that support decision-making.
The 2023 STRATUS Conference topics include:
- Environmental Mapping, Monitoring and Modelling
- Remote Sensing
- 3D and Multi-view Imaging
- Platforms, Calibration, Sensor, and Imaging Systems
- Multi-sensor Data Fusion
- Technologies and Applications
- Algorithm and Image Processing
- Photogrammetry
- Policy, Public Perception and Privacy Issues
- K-12 Education
- Applications focused on Upstate NY, Finger Lakes and Lake Ontario Regions
The Special Focus of the STRATUS 2023 Conference is “hazards, environmental mapping, monitoring and forecasting”. We invite participants who are interested in sharing their insight, latest research, and technical challenges to engage in scientific and practical conversations to identify collaborative partners for facing the complex challenges under extreme conditions with holistic approaches in designing and testing integrated UAV mission planning, information gathering and decision making for extreme conditions, rapid response or emergency management.
Our Program includes both oral and poster sessions, student prizes for best paper/poster presentation, break and lunch for networking, keynote speakers, panel discussion, exhibits, live demonstrations, happy hours and social gathering. Thanks to our sponsors, we keep the conference fees affordable.
The STRATUS 2023 Conference is a collaborative organizational effort including researchers from some of the region’s leading universities. The general organizing committee is made up of researchers working at the interface of universities, industries, government agencies, and other community stakeholders from these institutions:
- Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
- SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF)
- University at Buffalo (UB)
And the scientific community converge abroad range of expert from many universities and institutes.
We all hope to see you at the STRATUS 2023 Conference.
– the Conference Organization Team
If you have any questions about the conference, please contact :
Event Booklet
Keynote Speakers

Steven J. Thomson
National Program Leader (NPL) with the USDA National Institute Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
Dr. Steven J. Thomson is National Program Leader (NPL) with the USDA National Institute Food and Agriculture (NIFA). He engages Universities, other federal agencies, and industry to provide national leadership in Capacity and Competitive Grant programs. The Research, Education, and Outreach programs he leads focus on engineering processes to improve systems relevant to agriculture. These include Engineering for Agricultural Production Systems and NSF-collaborative programs such as the National Robotics Initiative, Cyber-Physical Systems, and AI Institutes. Dr. Thomson received his Ph. D from the University of Florida in the Ag. And Bio. Engineering Dept. and has background in aerial application of crop protection materials, irrigation management, water balance and crop modeling, decision support systems for agricultural management, sensing systems and electronics, precision agriculture, applied statistics, and agricultural safety. Dr. Thomson was incoming Associate Professor at Virginia Tech in the College of Engineering and had received the Alpha Epsilon Award for his Research/Extension program and Outstanding Faculty Award in the Biological Systems Engineering (BSE) Department. He was a Lead Scientist with the USDA ARS before joining USDA-NIFA in early 2016. He has authored or co-authored over 100 publications, two book chapters, and several Extension publications and software. View Steven’s professional webpage

Robert Lacourse
CEO for TwinSpruce Customs in Canandaigua NY
Robert Lacourse is CEO for TwinSpruce Customs in Canandaigua NY, where he uses his vast aviation experience to help UAS operators with FAA Rules and regulations. Robert was one of the first FAA inspectors to validate/ approve the initial UAS Agriculture operators. He recently retired from the FAA as an Aviation Safety Inspector, and was the FAA’s Drone Focal Point for Western NY. He volunteers his time as a FAA Drone Professional. His UAS experience started in 2016 just as UAS’s were making their mark in the national airspace. Robert’s aviation experience started over 48 years ago. He received his FAA student pilots license for Gliders before serving 27 years in the United States Airforce where he maintained several types of fighter aircraft. He earned his Aviation safety Management degree, with a minor in aircraft accident investigation in from the Community College of the USAF. View Robert’s LinkdeIn webpage

Associate professor at Purdue University
Dr. Jian Jin is an associate professor from the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Purdue University. Dr. Jin received his Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering from Iowa State University in 2009. He earned his M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Denmark Technical University in 2005 and his B.S. degree in Computer Science from Zhejiang University in 2003.
Prior to joining Purdue, Dr. Jin conducted research at DuPont Pioneer (now Corteva), where he was most recently a Technology Leader working on crop phenotyping and led a team for the company’s new controlled environment phenotyping systems for automated plant screening. Dr. Jin’s major research interest at Purdue is to develop the next generation plant sensor technologies, along with machine vision, image processing, and data modeling. He also has interests in other areas of agricultural sensing, broadly defined, and in automation and robotics in agriculture. Dr. Jin is the preseident and founder of LeafSpec LLC, which aims to deliver the highest quality of plant sensing technologies to plant scientists and crop growers. View Jian’s professional webpage
Student Prizes
There were prizes for best student presentation, best student poster, and trivia winners! These awards included 5 drones!!
Fees, Dates, and Topics
Registration fees
- (Early) IEEE Members and Society Members (Before 4/23/2023): $200
- (Late) IEEE Members and Society Members (After 4/23/2023): $250
- (Early) Non-Member (Before 4/23/2023): $250
- (Late) Non-Member (After 4/23/2023): $300
- (Early) IEEE Life Member (Before 4/23/2023): $60
- (Late) IEEE Life Member (After 4/23/2023): $80
- (Early) IEEE Student Member (Before 4/23/2023): $60
- (Late) IEEE Student Member (After 4/23/2023): $80
- (Early) IEEE Student Non-Member (Before 4/23/2023): $70
- (Late) IEEE Student Non-Member (After 4/23/2023): $95
Important Dates
- Conference: May 22, 23, 2023 | In person event
- Abstract submission deadline: April 7, 2023
- Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2023
- Early registration deadline: April 23, 2023
ReTopics (UAS-focused)
- Environmental Mapping, Monitoring and Modelling
- Remote Sensing
- 3D and Multi-view Imaging
- Platforms, Calibration, Sensor, and Imaging Systems
- Multi-sensor Data Fusion
- Technologies and Applications
- Algorithm and Image Processing
- Photogrammetry
- Policy, Public Perception and Privacy Issues
- K-12 Education
- Applications focused on Upstate NY, Finger Lakes and Lake Ontario Regions
Program Committee
General Chair

Emmett Ientilucci
Digital Image and Remote Sensing Lab, Rochester Institute of Technology
View Emmett’s professional webpagee
Co-chair/financial chair

Bahram Salehi
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY
View Bahram’s professional webpage
Workshop and Tutorial Chair

Peter Spache
Rochester Institute of Technology, View Peter’s professional webpage
Students Involvement Chair and web administrator

Sina Jarahizadeh
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY, View Sina’s LinkedIn webpage
The University at Buffalo Liaison

Farshad Ghanei
View Farshad’s professional webpage
Local Arrangements Chairs

Colleen McMhon
Research Program Coordinator, Center for Imaging Science, RIT, View Colleen’s professional webpage

Karen Braun
Associate Director, Center for Imaging Science, RIT, View Karen’s professional webpage
Call for Abstracts
The emergence of low-cost and easy-to-use Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, has led to an explosion of their use for numerous applications. In particular, these new platforms have enabled new imaging and earth remote sensing technologies and applications previously unavailable due to the high cost of manned aircraft or satellites. This event is the 5th conference of STRATUS that will bring together international academics, government, industry representatives, and domain specialists to share perspectives on this rapidly evolving topic.
Abstract Submission
Abstracts must be in English and should not exceed 250 words. Abstracts should include Title, Authors’ Contact info, and Abstract body. Abstract can be presented either as presentation or a poster (please indicate in your submission for poster or oral presentation).
The program included 5 drones for best student presentation, poster, and trivia!
A future notice regarding the special issue, including the website and submission link, will be available to the public.
For any questions regarding the abstract or full paper submission, please contact the Conference Genral Chair, Dr. Salehi, at